
Tim Parr of CENTURY 21 Aztec & Associates

140 Calificaciones

4456 Tamiami Trail Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980


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Información Personal

Personal Profile

Tim Parr is a Seasoned Realtor and team leader at C21 Aztec and Associates, a firm that specializes in all aspects of Residential Real Estate South West Florida. Tim is a native Floridian and loves living in Southwest Florida and all it has to offer with some of the states most beautiful beaches, fantastic fishing, winding waterways and desirable Real Estate. Tim started selling real estate in 1998 and prides himself with his passionate and heartfelt drive to serve his clients' best interests. He is dedicated, knowledgeable, and committed to finding the perfect fit, whether it be a home, condo, investment or seasonal property for his clientele. His devotion and unparalleled customer service have resulted in a continuously expanding network of loyal clients and referrals. Passionate about his craft, he continuously seeks to stay ahead of the game when it comes to market education and trends. This dedication is why Tim is continuously ranked highest as one of the industries top performers. Whether selling or buying a home Tim's positive can-do attitude and hard work has helped 100's of very happy clients achieve their real estate goals.

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  • 2023 - Quality Service Pinnacle Producer
  • 2022 - Masters Ruby
  • 2022 - Quality Service Pinnacle Producer
  • 2021 - Masters Emerald
  • 2021 - Quality Service Producer
  • 2020 - Masters Emerald
  • 2019 - Masters Emerald
  • 2019 - Quality Service Producer

Designación profesional

  • NAR Realtor Pricing Strategy Advisor PSA
  • Especialista en Propiedades de Uso Comercial
  • Especialista en Residencias y Fincas finas
  • Graduado del Instituto de Estudios Inmobiliarios "REALTOR"
  • Profesional Inmobiliario Especializado en Propiedades para Adultos Mayores

Propiedades listadas por Tim Parr