
Sue Giroux of CENTURY 21 Broughton Team

2 Calificaciones

3817 McMasters Avenue Suite 100 Hannibal, MO 63401

celular: 573.248.8716

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Información Personal

Personal Profile

Because of my loyal customers and clients, I have been a Realtor since 1980 here in Hannibal. From 1976 through 1999, I was also a professional auctioneer. The combination of being a Realtor and an Auctioneer allowed me to sell both real estate and personal property for my clients and customers at the same time! I enjoyed those years! But in 1999 I decided to work full time as a Realtor.

In August, 2024 I decided to close my own real estate company and join a team instead of working alone. You may not know, but Realtors are one of the few professions where competitors from different companies work together to serve the public! I am thankful to say that I have had the pleasure of working with many Realtors in Hannibal & the surrounding communities. And I am happy to say that some of the best are within the team I have chosen to be a part of……. Century 21 Broughton Team!!

My intent is always to abide by a strict code of ethics and treat others as I want to be treated. Because I have been in business a long time, I have a good handle on what is important to buyers and sellers. I strive always to meet their needs so the buying &/or selling process is an exciting & fun adventure……not a dreaded & stressful one! This means keeping myself accessible plus being a good listener, communicator & negotiator. I'm thankful for all of my customers and I know their trust in me is a precious gift!

Over the years I have received various awards for accomplishments in my profession, but my favorite "rewards" are the smiles from satisfied customers!

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Areas atendidas

Propiedades listadas por Sue Giroux