
Nicki Salyer of CENTURY 21 Legacy

20 Calificaciones

414 Ashe Street Johnson City, TN 37604


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Información Personal

Personal Profile

Welcome to North East Tennessee!!!! I have lived in VOLUNTEER COUNTRY for my entire life and love it! My blood truly runs orange! I am also very proud to be a part of the CENTURY 21 Legacy family! With their support I am able to provide my clients with the utmost customer care. If you are looking for your next investment; whether it be a commercial or residential dream in the making; I would love the opportunity to assist you. After 14 years of law enforcement I changed career paths to pursue another adventure, being real estate. For the last several years I have been in the most interesting, unpredictable, historic times of real estate and learned how to navigate the ever changing market with clients, ultimately opening the doors to their dreams in the most complex situations they could be faced with. With that, I have gained the knowledge to guide my clients through any type of market for purchasing in both the commercial and residential world. Call me today and we will work together to find that perfect home, office, land, or whatever type of real estate you need!!

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  • 2022 - Quality Service Producer

Designación profesional

  • Especialista en Residencias y Fincas finas