
Michele Ivener of CENTURY 21 ProLink

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85 Calificaciones

1114 4th Street Sioux City, IA 51101


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Información Personal

Personal Profile

Michele is a Midwest native and former high school teacher who is married and has raised three children in Siouxland. For many years, she contributed to the community as a volunteer. She has served her religious affiliations, Girl Scouts, Junior League, PTA, Master Chorale and numerous civic organizations. Since 1983, real estate has been her full time occupation and she welcomes new and past clients openly. Buyers - Michele will consult with each client to discover his or her needs. - Michele will familiarize you with the neighborhood. - Michele will assist with your financing. - Michele will negotiate. Sellers - Michele will market your property. - Michele will provide worldwide exposure. - Michele will provide a market analysis. - Michele will get results.

Los comentarios sobre la propiedad se emplea traducción computarizados. La traducción es automática y es solo una aproximación al contenido original proveído del sitio web. La traducción no se debe de considerar exacta ni basarse en ella. No asumimos responsabilidad por la exactitud de la traducción.


  • 2020 - Quality Service Pinnacle Producer
  • 2019 - Quality Service Producer

Areas atendidas

Designación profesional

  • Administrador del Representante Acreditado del Comprador
  • Profesional Certificado en Servicios de Reubicación
  • Especialista Certificado en Propiedades de Uso Residencial
  • Consejero Inmobiliario
  • REALTOR ASOCIADO, National Assoc of REALTORS (Asociación Nacional de REALTORS)
  • REALTOR, National Association of REALTORS (Asociación Nacional de REALTORS)