
Melody Witsman of CENTURY 21 New Millennium

Lic #: 0225228436

30 Calificaciones

5990 Kingstowne Towne Center Alexandria, VA 22315


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Información Personal

Personal Profile

As a CENTURY 21 New Millennium real estate professional, I am dedicated to providing you the highest quality service possible. Allow me to introduce myself. I have been a realtor for 24 years, I'm a military veteran and the spouse of a retired Air Force member. My husband currently serves in the Department of Defense. I have extensive personal experience in real estate and continuous household movements. We have personally been involved in well over a dozen moves, all of which have been international or across the ocean to and from Hawaii. Based on personal experience, I know how important and helpful it is to have someone you can count on to guide you through the moving (buying, selling or renting) process from start to finish. My career in real estate has carried me through many phases. I was a broker in charge with Century 21 Homefinders of Hawaii, which was very rewarding. I enjoyed teaching various real estate classes and mentoring real estate professionals in helping them attain their professional goals. I was Director of Property Management for seven years. I have worked as a buyer and seller's agent for 24 years, and this is my favorite aspect of real estate. I have also served on the policy and procedures committee with the Honolulu Board of Realtors (this is a committee where realtors help enforce the realtors code of ethics). I enjoy the reward of meeting and getting to know so many wonderful and interesting people. Searching for homes and helping families find a dream house or condo that you will transform into a home has got to be the best career ever. The fact that most clients become your friend is also heartwarming and huge benefit to why I became a realtor in the first place. As I awaken every day inspired by what I do, I am thrilled to see what opportunities the day will bring and who I will meet in their life journey. I would be honored to assist you in finding and purchasing a house you can transform into your home. If you are relocating to Northern Virginia, I'm happy to send you a customized relocation package, and If you are interested in selling a property, I have a marketing plan that I would love to share with you. I look forward to the opportunity of working with you in your next real estate endeavor. HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAY! MOVING IS AN EXCITING ADVENTURE!

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