
JAN SAWYER of CENTURY 21 Regency Realty, Inc.

163 Calificaciones

531 Boll Weevil Circle Enterprise, AL 36330

teléfono: 334.406.2393

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Información Personal

Personal Profile

I was born and raised here in the Wiregrass area. Following high school, I worked at Fort Rucker for several years while attending college at night. I obtained my B.S. from Troy State University in 1981. Shortly thereafter, the air traffic control strike hit and I became part of the second input of new controllers to attend the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Academy in Oklahoma City. I enjoyed a twelve year career with the FAA and was working as a supervisor at the Houston ARTCC when my now husband, Sam, flew out and ask me to marry him. I said "yes" and now, three beautiful daughters later, I have reentered the workforce. During my "unemployment" (outside the home anyway), I obtained my MBA from Troy State and Sam and I started a real estate investment business, Acme Properties, LLC. We have owned and managed rental homes, an apartment complex of 24 units, and we developed 22 acres of land into a subdivision. We built our dream home on lot number 11, our lucky number. After these many years of experience in various aspects of the real estate business, becoming a realtor seemed to be a natural progression for me now that our girls are getting older. I hope you will consider contacting me for your real estate needs. Together we will use all available resources to make the best decisions for you and your particular circumstances.

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  • 2024 - Masters Ruby
  • 2022 - Quality Service Producer
  • 2021 - Masters Emerald
  • 2020 - Masters Ruby
  • 2020 - Quality Service Producer

Designación profesional

  • Representante Acreditado del Comprador
  • Experto Certificado en Propiedades Embargadas
  • Military Relocation Professional

Propiedades listadas por JAN SAWYER