
EVELYN HITCH of CENTURY 21 Regency Realty, Inc.

177 Calificaciones

531 Boll Weevil Circle Enterprise, AL 36330

teléfono: 334.406.3436

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Información Personal

Personal Profile

EVELYN HITCH, ABR,CRS,GRI, SRES Licensed since February 14, 1978 Presently affiliated with CENTURY 21 Regency Realty, Inc. Designations: Accredited Buyer Representative (ABR) Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) Graduate of Real Estate Institute (GRI) Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES) President-Elect - Alabama State CRS Chapter - 2001 President - Alabama State CRS Chapter - 2002-2004 Recipient of the 2003 Alabama CRS of the Year Member of Enterprise Board of Realtors - since 1978 President - Enterprise Board of Realtors - 1991 Treasurer - Enterprise Board of Realtors - 1996, 1997 Served on numerous committees on both boards over the years as both chair and co-chair, as well as member to include Membership, Professional Standards, Grievance, CTF/CFC Chair since its inception, American Home Week, etc. over the past. Education Chair and responsible for New Member Orientation classes for 2007 and 2008. Member Enterprise Board of Realtors, Inc. since 1978. Member Enterprise MLS since its inception. Enterprise Board of Realtors - REALTOR OF THE YEAR 1990, 2000, 2001 and 2004 Top Producer 1995 - Enterprise Board of Realtors Enterprise Board of Realtors Million Dollar Club and Top Producers Club - 1986, 1987,1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, LIFETIME MEMBER 1990-PRESENT AAR Member since 1978 ARPAC Capitol Club Member - 1987-2002 ARPAC Governors Club Member - 2000, 2001, and 2002 ARPAC Sterling "R" Contributor - since 2003 Alabama Realtors Association - Member since 1978 Committees: Awards Selection Task Force - 1999 - Chairman, 2000, 2001, and 2002 Information and Member Services - member for many years CFC - Children's Trust Fund - Task Force committee member since its inception - Chairman, 2002,2003 Auburn University Education Task Force 1998 - 2003 Member Alabama Realtor Honor Society Have attended Leadership conferences in Montgomery since 1991. Attended Summer Splash regularly Attended State Conventions regularly Attended Salesmanship Conference in Tuscaloosa at least every other year. Attended Auburn University Education Fair - 5 times Have attended CRS Sell-a-Bration since 2001 - 2007. Attended CRS mid-year and national meetings in Washington, DC in May, and at the NAR Convention in November 2001 to 2004 Membership in ABR,CRS Member National Association of Realtors since 1978 Member of Republican Women of Coffee County Member Enterprise Chamber of Commerce - since 1984 - Board of Directors - 1997- 2002 Secretary - Enterprise Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors - 2000 Vice President Organizational Development - Enterprise Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors - 2001 and 2002 Business After Hours Chair - 2003 & 2004 Ambassador of the Year - 2000-2001 Enterprise Chamber of Commerce Behind the Scenes Award - 2001-2002 Enterprise Chamber of Commerce Member Alabama Retiree Relocation Association Member of the Chamber Retiree Committee - since its inception 2001 - co-chair 2003 and 2004

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  • 2021 - Masters Ruby

Designación profesional

  • Graduado del Instituto de Estudios Inmobiliarios "REALTOR"
  • REALTOR, National Association of REALTORS (Asociación Nacional de REALTORS)
  • Agente Inmobiliario Habilitado Asociado