
Eric Skinner of CENTURY 21 RiverStone

25 Calificaciones

305 N. 1st Avenue Sandpoint, ID 83864


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Información Personal

Personal Profile

I often tell people, jokingly, that I should work for the Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce. Selling real estate in Sandpoint, or anywhere for that matter, is easy if you believe in your community and what it has to offer. I truly love Sandpoint and North Idaho and feel incredibly lucky to live here. My goal when working with new buyers that are looking for a home or property is to find them the perfect property for their dream, not mine. With the beautiful lakes and hundreds of miles of trails on Forest Service and state land, you can easily find a new adventure every weekend to go on. When playing outside here, you'll find that you feel like you're in a post card from time to time - it just seems too perfect!

When listing properties for Sellers I have a simple rule. I just won't list it unless I think it's priced right. More than once, I've turn down listing a property as I felt the owners were just not realistic in their price for the property. Why waste the time of the Seller, the potential Buyers, or all the time for the staff to list a property that is simply listed too high. Don't get me wrong, I don't under price a property, but I'll do my best to be realistic in what it should be listed for.

When working with Buyers, it's all about listening. I try to spend a great deal of time before we ever look at the first listing to hear what they're looking for. There are so many factors that must be considered to making an informed decision when buying a new property that I don't know how you can do this job without building a true understanding, which simply just takes time!

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  • 2024 - CENTURION®
  • 2023 - CENTURION®

Designación profesional

  • Especialista en Residencias y Fincas finas

Propiedades listadas por Eric Skinner