
Douglas Ramos of CENTURY 21 Alliance Realty

11 Calificaciones

Ver más sobre Douglas Ramos

867 N. Stiles Street Linden, NJ 07036

teléfono: 908.587.5222

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Información Personal

Personal Profile

Douglas Ramos is a well-qualified, result-oriented Real Estate Broker/Owner who has been selling Real Estate since 1995 and has an intense passion for the business. "Homeownership is the American Dream and the cornerstone to financial independence, and I am very proud to be helping others achieve the American Dream" - Douglas Ramos

The purchase or sale of real estate can be very complex with many moving parts to achieve one mutual goal and should be done with the buyer's and seller's interests first.

● Douglas Ramos - is a co-founder of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals New Jersey Chapter (NAHREP North New Jersey Chapter).

● He has been recognized for being on "The top 250 Latino Agents Award" with the highest production in the country.

● CENTURIION Producer 2015,2016,2017,2018,2019

Why choose Douglas Ramos' Team

When you hire Douglas Ramos, you are hiring highly dedicated professionals. Every member of the Douglas Ramos team has one responsibility, and their goal is to provide you with the best customer service possible during and after the transaction .

Your Home Will Sell:

● Fast

● For Top Dollar

● With The Least Amount of Hassle.

You will get these results because of our:

● Unique Team System

● Innovative Consumer Programs

● Leading Edge Technology

● Specialized Knowledge

I look forward to working with you and representing you in the sale of your property.


Douglas Ramos

Direct Phone: 908-494-4611

Office: 908-587-5222 Ext 102


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  • 2019 - CENTURION®
  • 2019 - CENTURION® Honor Society

Designación profesional

  • Experto Certificado en Propiedades Embargadas