
Dennis Bane of CENTURY 21 Valley Real Estate

191 Calificaciones

4634 Cleburne Boulevard Dublin, VA 24084

teléfono: 540.674.1800

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Información Personal

Personal Profile

Dennis Bane is the Principal Broker, and co-owner of Century 21 Valley Real Estate. Dennis specializes in Commercial and Residential Properties, and has been the top sales person in the business for many years. Dennis is active in church, the community, and enjoys spending time with his children, and grandchild, as well as his wife. Lois. Dennis counts his blessings by the ability to listen to people, and to God, and feels that in being involved in Real Estate is a way to help people. A father of 3, and foster parent of 27 children, Dennis also loves being around children. One of the true blessings of life is to see a new family get into a home, when there was no prior history of homeownership. More than the sale, it is the feeling of making someones dreams come true. Call Dennis as your "Realtor of Choice in the New River Valley". He has a way a making you feel "At home".

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  • 2021 - Quality Service Producer

Designación profesional

  • Representante Acreditado del Comprador
  • Especialista Certificado en Propiedades Internacionales
  • Especialista Certificado en Propiedades de Uso Residencial
  • Consejero Inmobiliario
  • e-Profesional, Profesional por Internet
  • Consultor Acreditado de Propiedades Rurales (Tierras)
  • Graduado del Instituto de Estudios Inmobiliarios "REALTOR"
  • Designado "Ecológico"
  • Instituto de Administración de Inmuebles
  • Consejo de Agentes de Compradores de Inmuebles
  • REALTOR, National Association of REALTORS (Asociación Nacional de REALTORS)
  • REALTORS Land Institute (Instituto de REALTORS especializados en la venta de tierras)
  • Certificación en Referencias Transnacionales
  • Certificado por el Programa "At Home with Diversity"