
Connie Perry of CENTURY 21 Service Realty

72 Calificaciones

3225 Coleman Road Coleman Park Plaza Paducah, KY 42001


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Información Personal

Personal Profile

I was born in West Virginia and my family-Mom, Dad, and three brothers, settled in St. Louis, MO. I attended Murray State University, graduating with a B.S. Degree in English and Business and a MS degree in Guidance & Counseling. I also picked up an MRS. Degree (a little humor) as I met my husband at Murray, married 45 + years and have lived in Paducah since 1980. I have taught Jr. High English in Bardstown, KY and business college in Louisville, KY. We had our four boys in Paducah, and while always a "Mom", I also worked as office manager at my husband's dental office (incidentally, the best dentist in town!) for many years. I had often thought about becoming a real estate agent and one day, I made the decision to Just Do It!!! I studied, took the test (which wasn't easy) and passed on the first try. That was over !0 years ago. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with homeowners and those who wish to be homeowners. I enjoy meeting people and helping them achieve their real estate goals. If you choose me as your agent, you can take it to the bank that I will stay in touch with you every step of the way, explain each step of the process, and strive for a smooth and successful real estate experience. My cell is 270-217-5272 and my email is .

Call or email and let's get started!

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Designación profesional

  • Graduado del Instituto de Estudios Inmobiliarios "REALTOR"
  • REALTOR, National Association of REALTORS (Asociación Nacional de REALTORS)