
Becky Reed of CENTURY 21 Sunway Realty, LLC

179 Calificaciones

930 East Columbus Street Kenton, OH 43326

teléfono: 419.­675.2333

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Información Personal


I truly enjoy the friendships I have with my children and just being a mother in general. Recently I have found the joy of becoming a grandmother and I thrive to enjoy this new hobby. I also enjoy knitting, reading, traveling and just plain being with people. I enjoy crafting, reading and working on my home. I hope to travel some day I will continue learning and add to my education

Other Awards & Recognition

I have continually been a million dollar sales acheiver for moslty all the years I have been In real estate. I have an associates Degree from Hondros University for Applied Buisness of Real State.

Personal Profile

Being fortunate enough to be the Broker/owners of Sunway Realty LLC, I am pleased that our office is the leading area firm. Through a combination of hard work, experience, education, knowledge of homes and campassion for our clients, we truly are you best and only choice for your real estate needs. Please allow me to help you in your home buying and selling needs. I promise your experience will be both pleasant and rewarding. I Have been raised and a resident of Hardin County my entire life, I understand and have knowledge of the area and the needs of its residents. With 25 years experience I choose to give Hardin County buyers and sellers the same respect they have given my Company. Hardin County is my First Choice!!!!


I have many special talents but i feel that I have been blessed with the gift of communication. With all aspects of Real Estate Business I will mediate and support my clients to my best. Although I am experienced and educated in working with buyers and sellers, i am a strong listing agent with excellent results. I want you business!!!

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  • 2023 - Quality Service Pinnacle Producer
  • 2022 - Quality Service Pinnacle Producer
  • 2021 - Quality Service Producer
  • 2019 - Quality Service Pinnacle Producer

Propiedades listadas por Becky Reed